10 Do’s and Don’ts Of Kids Nutrition 


Feeding children can be cumbersome and exhausting – especially since their tastes and preferences  change from week to week! Every parent is on the lookout for healthy and nutritious food for kids – but with picky eaters, it can be difficult to make a balanced plate that they will actually eat. Here are some basic rules of kids nutrition you should follow. 

What Are The Dos And Don’ts In Eating Habits?

There’s a lot that’s been written about what a child should not eat and what they need to include on their plate every day. Daily nutrition for kids is what helps build a strong immune system. Here’s what to do – and what not to – in order to keep your kids healthy.

  1. Don’t skip meals. 

Do prioritise mealtime and eat together. 

  1. Don’t keep them out of the kitchen. 

Do involve them in the kitchen and get them to cut, chop, peel and wash. 

  1. Don’t allow easy access to junk food. 

Do limit the intake of sugar and carbs. 

  1. Don’t fill your pantry with packaged foods and snacks.

Do stock up on healthy snacks like fruits, makhana, poha, murmura.

  1. Don’t force them to eat. 

Do focus on a variety of foods and take it slow. 

  1. Don’t force-feed kids excessive quantities.

Do teach satiety and self-regulation when it comes to food. 

  1. Don’t use food as an incentive or punishment. 

Do help them build an attitude of gratitude towards food. 

  1. Don’t eat while watching videos on your mobile or TV. 

Do keep gadgets off the dining table. 

  1. Don’t ask them to do things you don’t do. 

Do lead by example and follow the rules you have laid down, like not watching TV at the table and eating all veggies.

  1. Don’t limit your activities to indoor games. 

Do bond over exercise, outdoor sports and physical activity.